Friday, 1 April 2011

I am now part of the Committee as of the 28th

At the AGM on the 28th of March i was voted on to the committee, the AGM was a quick one as they only had the hall for 2 hours with about 50 in attendance. Change of Chair-person and Sectary and all the rest staying the same.

1st April down on the plot first time out with the ryobi and the fuel lines have perished so up to the shop to see what they have and Tony managed to find some tubing that got me out of trouble. Daryl dragged out an old Briggs and stratton rotovator and we failed to get it started but im sure we will have another go at it before long.

Some digging and more path edges then home to sow some seeds in the green house.

Friday, 25 March 2011

March 25th another nice day

Got to the plot and my new neighbour was there with a friend they didn't stop talking hahahah. They done about half hours work then left i was digging and uncovering ground ready for planting in the next few weeks. I put up a frame for beans but Tina dont like it so its coming down hahaha. Another nice day on the plot.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Tina's Birthday 23rd

Another super day weather wise, managed to get to the plot to plant up her new plum tree and moved around some of the other fruit so we can cage them in the next few visits. Put in another row of second early spuds and covered some more ground with mypex.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

All go at the plot

Well what a day at the plot today fires and dead Hedgehogs, other than that its all good. Helped my da with some repairs to his shed and i managed to sow some carrots, get a new fence up and tidy that little area that get's all the junk. Nice day quite warm with lots of sunshine.

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Saturday 19th March on the plot

Weather was fine cold first thing with heavy frost,more ground uncovered from the winter and dug over with in no time at all, fruit tree's look like there about to come alive and a pond full of spawn things are looking good.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

2011 starting up the dairy again

Plot looking like a mess at the start of the season due to being covered with all sorts of plastic and mypex sheeting to help me get a head start on 2011. Got some of the larger areas dug and covered and ready to go already.

Now we have 4 apple and a cherry tree that need some sort of protection and a good mix of fruit bushes so looking forward to a few fruit pies this year.

Got some bits started even tho some might say its a bit early, our Cucumber's are growing well the onion's are storming away and pea's are looking good in there pots.

Tomato's are on the window sill in the kitchen there ok but looking sorry for them selfs at the moment.